ARISTOPHANES Kav ^ TTOi&cri, raura, rotaS' OLVTCOV OTOV Xf](/)8fj Tt? OVX ocriov n $pwv, fiaviaLS <^A€ya)i>, 680 Xvaar) TrapaKorros — ^— , €i ri Spcbrj, iraaw e^avys opcLv ea~ rac yvvai£l /cat jS/oorotcrtv, 6Vt ra Tra/oavojLta ra r* dvoata ^eos1 ?rapa)(pfj(Ji,* cxTrortVerat. 685 aAA* €O6^* rjfjfiv arravrd TTCOS SieaKecfidai KaXa>$. ovx op&fiev yovv 4V* aAAov ovSeV FT. A. a a. Trot Trot cru ^euyets-; oSros- oSros- ou /\ \\ ^/ raAatva, /cat TO iraiotov tot pov$o$ OLTTO TOV rirdiov. MN. K€Kpax6i<' rovro 8s ouSeTrore cru - ^^^**/D'^* ' ^ ^ aAA evaao , €?Tt rwv $owia$ FT. A. c5 raAatv* cyai. '; ou T • Lines 673 to 685 are literally: " He shall show to all mankind that they should reverence the gods, and following after what is holy, and studying- what is lawful, should do the thing that is right. And if they do not so, this shall follow : when one of them is caught doing what is impious, blazing with madness, distraught with frenzy, if he should do aught . , . it shall be manifest to all women and mortals that God suddenly avenges all impious and unlawful acts." b Jiistas the Okorns are concluding their search, Mmsllochus snatches tl\e First Woman's baby from her (trim, and refuge, at the altar. 190